Name | Extracted | Size | Date | Description |
CATWIN.ZIP | Yes | 17041 | 8/1/1994 | CATWIN.APP 1.46 converts TAPCIS-compatible CIS catalog files with the CAT extension into an xBase database with the DBF extension. (Jeff Bankston) (Reg.Fee: $25) |
CMRAT50.ZIP | Yes | 140162 | 8/9/1994 | CimRater 5.0 starts WinCim V 1.1, connects to Basic Services on CIS, and keeps track of your charges. Requires VBRUN300. . (Fred Schetterer) (Reg.Fee: $12) |
COLORQWK.ZIP | Yes | 190050 | 8/18/1994 | ColorQWK for Windows 1.0 is a colorful QWK reader for Windows. Features include Monologue speech support, multiple signatures, and more. Requires VBRUN300. (Derek Stutsman) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
COMPUZIP.ZIP | Yes | 13888 | 8/9/1994 | CompuZip 1.0 displays the files you have downloaded during your CompuServe session in a list. You can then process associated files by double-clicking on them. (Matt Motherway) (Reg.Fee: $5) |
COMT.ZIP | Yes | 113337 | 8/16/1994 | COMt 1.01 allows you to use your favorite terminal program for Telnet, while still being able to access your other serial devices. Requires WIN31 or Windows for Workgroups 3.1+. (David Yon) (Reg.Fee: $16) |
COUNT_50.ZIP | Yes | 85098 | 8/11/1994 | Count! 5.0 is a network administration utility that enforces "simultaneous use" licenses in the Windows environment. (Ed Derzawiec) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $79) |
DIFUS2.ZIP | Yes | 55844 | 8/3/1994 | MangoDiffuser 2.0 prompts for a username to use in the CIS Connection session of CSNav 1.0. The name entered will appear as the senders name in Mail or Forum messages. Requires VBRUN300. (Ben Joyce) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
EMAIL.ZIP | Yes | 50600 | 8/18/1994 | Email 1.0 is a network Email utility. Requires Wordperfect 4.2 or higher, and Novell Netware. (J. Barger) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
EMB100.ZIP | Yes | 246777 | 8/11/1994 | Electronic Message Board 1.00 allows users on a network to post messages on boards for other users to view, save or print. Files can be attached to messages as with e-mail. Other features include interactive messages and support for text and graphic messages. Requires VBRUN300. (Peter Glasson) (Reg.Fee: $30) |
LANCOPY.ZIP | Yes | 60643 | 8/11/1994 | LANCopy 2.0 is file transfer program for copying many/large files across LAN/WAN connections. It provides useful statistics and progress information about each transfer in both text and graphical formats. Statistics reported include data transfer rate, files/bytes selected for transfer, files/bytes transferred, progress (%) per file and aggregate (per session), and time. (Ed DeBus) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
MDMRES.ZIP | Yes | 15316 | 8/11/1994 | MDMReset allows you to execute an application pending completion of a modem command. Requires Windows 4.0 or NT. (Smith, Kenner Consulting Corpo) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
MPAD.ZIP | Yes | 39175 | 8/19/1994 | Network Message Pad 1.04 is an add-in for the freeware program Network Email that lets you quickly and easily send phone contact messages. Requires VBRUN300. (Richard Wagner) (Reg.Fee: $50) |
MQ_V10.ZIP | Yes | 136768 | 8/4/1994 | MQ: Message Queues for Windows NT 1.0 provides a high-performance Interprocess Communications (IPC) mechanism similar to the message queue facility found on UNIX System V. (Steven G. Judd) (Reg.Fee: $39) |
MRGFAX21.ZIP | Yes | 73612 | 8/4/1994 | MergeFax 2.1 allows you to mail-merge group fax hundreds of personalized faxes with Word for Windows 6.0 and WinFax PRO 3.0/4.0 (and WinFax PRO for Networks) with one simple keystroke. (BONZI SoftWare) (Reg.Fee: $55) |
NBB.ZIP | Yes | 96883 | 8/19/1994 | Network Bulletin Board 1.24 is an add-in product for Ivory Tower Software's popular freeware product Network Email. It allows you to post public messages on the bulletin board and browse messages by topic. (Richard Wagner) (Reg.Fee: $40/LAN) |
NETDIAL.ZIP | Yes | 435981 | 8/19/1994 | NetDial 1.21 is an Internet dialer for Windows. It will call your host, log you in and automatically start your TCP/IP package for you. Features include support for up to 5 separate configuration connections, baud rate support to 256k, redial up to 99 times, WAV sound file support, and more. (James Sanders) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
NWMENU.ZIP | Yes | 64327 | 8/19/1994 | NWMenu 1.5 is an application menu for WIN31 systems using Netware. It allows users to start different programs depending on their membership of Netware security groups.It also has the capability to attach the user to the CD server; map the CD-ROM to a drive letter, and then start the CD-ROM application. (Nick Payne) (Reg.Fee: $150) |
PBBSW35A.ZIP | Yes | 1357739 | 7/23/1994 | PowerBBS for Windows 3.5 is a customizable BBS package for Windows. Features include an automated installation, Windows protocols, extensive documentation, and many other advanced features. Requires a Hayes-compatible modem, a 286 or better, and 10 meg of free hard disk space. NEW: in/out TELNET capability, internal GUI file manager and Sysop display, group teleconference enhancements, DLL add-ons for C/Pascal developers, and more. This is available on two 3.5" 1.44MB MegaDisks for the special disk fee of $9.99. (Russell Frey) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $99-$189) |
PBBSW35B.ZIP | Yes | 1106079 | 7/23/1994 | See PBBSW35A.ZIP |
SHUTNT.ZIP | Yes | 14645 | 8/19/1994 | Shutdown allows you to shutdown or abort the shutdown of any machine on your network. Requires Windows NT. (Smith, Kenner Consulting Corpo) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
TC_32.ZIP | Yes | 350434 | 8/19/1994 | TulliCom 3.2 is a terminal program for Window 3.x. Features include English/French/German setup, support for baud rates from 300-128000 baud, a variety of terminal emulations, support for many popular protocols, LOG-files, a script-recorder, clipboard and print functions, ANSI/ASCII-table conversion, auto-up/download, auto answer, and more. Requires VBRUN300. (Frank Stecher) (Reg.Fee: $99 DM) |
WINADM.ZIP | Yes | 45529 | 8/22/1994 | WinAdmin 1.50 allows a Network Administrator to modify users Windows INI files all at once. You can quickly and easily add a new section, add a line to an existing section, edit a line or delete a line. Requires VBRUN300. (P.A. Kassabian) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
WINTEL.ZIP | Yes | 157092 | 8/22/1994 | Wintel 1.2 is a 20-minute demo of communications package for Windows. It provides a handy phone book which stores your remote service names, phone numbers, and communication settings. ASCII, XMODEM, XMODEM 1K, YMODEM, AND ZMODEM protocols are supported. Other features include a realtime/offline GIF viewer, terminal emulation modes, a programmable script language, redial and sequential dialing capabilities, chat mode, scroll back buffer, log file printing and session capture, and more. (Satyavrat Mehrotra) (Reg.Fee: $45) |
WMENUN.ZIP | Yes | 197089 | 8/10/1994 | WinMenu for Networks 4.2L is a menu system for Novell networks running WIN31. (Ricky Freyre) (Reg.Fee: $60+) |
WRAMP101.ZIP | Yes | 969072 | 7/25/1994 | WinRamp Lite 1.01 is a communications package for Windows. Features include RIPScrip 1.54 emulation, multiple ANSI font sizes, customizable toolbars, the ability to open multiple terminal windows, multiple dialing directories, clipboard support, and much more. (Vironix NA, Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $35) |